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Pu Dong

For Rent ¥ 45000 / Month
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Shanghai Residential Property in Pu Dong

Featured Description

Set over two floor in Pudong Zhoupu area, this delightful four bedroom flat offers elegant and luxurious accommodation and a wonderful central location. Key features - Two brilliant south facing receptions with a private balcony - Both receptions with ample storage - Three double bedrooms and a master bedroom with en suite - Generous kitchen with breakfast bar and ample storage - Bright rooms throughout and presented in excellent condition - Stunning entrance hall with guest WC and cloakroom - Smart family shower room


Located on Hunan Road Pudong,close to Shanghai British School, Shanghai Community International School Pudong campus


Partially Furnished,Central air-conditioning,Water treatment system,Oven,Tableware sets,Satellite TV,Internet,Wi-Fi


+86 21 5218 2082
+86 177 2102 3368
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